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Multi-leg spreads

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:57 pm
by mandobroker
Hi guys,
I have question regarding multi-legs spreads. Can You advice me how to properly put-in this kind of spread to TWS, please? For example: I want to try ZW Butterfly Dec15-2xMar16-May16. I go as usually through Combo-Buy 1 Dec15, Sell 2 Mar16 and buy 1 May16. I think it is correct way, but I get different values and chart of the spread then you have in SA, so I´m a little bit affraid to trade it.

Thank you mockrát a ahoj, Jirka :D

Re: Multi-leg spreads

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:24 am
by Mira

I have created this spread using Combo in TWS and actual MID price (-4.75) is equal with our. Only the historical prices from TWS looks different, but it's normal thing in IB they, have terrible charts. You can check this spread at barchart, they have same chart like us.

PS: I noticed that in short definition (Dec15-2xMar16-May16) you have last leg as SELL, it should be a BUY. It's probably a typing error, because later it's correct.


Re: Multi-leg spreads

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:35 pm
by mandobroker
Thank you for the answer, so I wil try this spread. The last leg is only typing error.

Thank a lot,

Ahoj, Jirka