Dear Mira ,
Sorry but I'm not so familiar in PC settings.
My browser is Internet Explorer but I do not know which version . If you can help me and let me know how to check about I'll do .
Please try also to explane to me how is possible to delete browser cache.
Regarding the chart that i can not do : I can not do any chart ; I mean .. If I digit (on definition section) the spread that I would like to have I'll get it . I can see also the back test , the staked , combinations an so on . The only issue is that , If I try to have (cliking on the chart as I have always done) the interactive chard where i can add the indicators & labels , I get a Error allert like : I/O ERROR and the button net to "Build" into the "Action" section change from "flash" to "static".
I apologize since now for my poor PC knowledge ; please be patient and try to explane to me in as much as symples way how to get out fro this issue.
I also can not have any help from anybody ; ad the moment I'm based in a small Thay village (but the internet connection is fantastic

) and I can not have tecnican support from the locals.
Do you have a screen sharing service? ; it will be easyer and faster
I'll wait for your answer