Chart issue Support for analyze module

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Chart issue

by ciccio2012 » Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:51 pm

I apologize from now if my questions looks obvious fro most of you but I'm a beginner of this software and I need your help.

1st Question :
I made a intra spread on : GCJ14 - 2PLJ14 and , as equity line , I get almost a flat orizzonta line. If I click on "back testy" I get . as first chart , the same cross but with a totally different price curve.
Could you please let me kno how can i get the right price chart on the first analysis ?

2nd Question :
How can I get a OHLC bar chart of the last years of a specific spread ?
Is it possible to have the current price curve (as a line chart) into the same chart (the OHLC bar) ?


Ciccio 2012

Posts: 145
Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 12:59 pm

Re: Chart issue

by Roman » Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:40 pm

Hi Ciccio

1) This is know problem which sometimes occurs when overlapping part between spread and pattern is small. It can't be fixed, because it's how algorithm which applies pattern to spread works. Please, to better understand how patterns are aligned to spread read this article:

It also explains how pattern is calculated and why to not use it to get any absolute values (profit target or stop loss). This is common mistake so read it! Back to your problem with chart. If you will wait, you will see that after some time as spread will go on, pattern alignment will correct. Meanwhile, you can disable patterns which disrupts charts (in this case 15> years) and use Seasonal page to view all patterns.

As for backtest... I'm not sure if I follow, but chart in backtest is equity (profit/loss) from backtest. You can see all trades in bottom table and results from this trades are shown as equity.

2) This is not possible. To calculate OHLC charts for spreads, you need to have intraday historical data. We have only EOD data + intraday price for current day. You can have OHLC charts for separate legs in Futures page.

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.


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